01 November 2018 | Daily Top Story: $20 million in funding to deliver local infrastructure

Minister for Planning and Housing, Anthony Roberts, today announced a further $20 million in funding to support local government infrastructure projects that speed up housing delivery across NSW. 

Mr Roberts said the NSW Government’s Low Cost Loans Initiative gave councils a 50 per cent interest payment refund on loans for infrastructure projects which enable housing supply.

“Today, we’re announcing the second round of this great program, which, in the first round, invested $10 million to kick-start more than $165 million worth of essential infrastructure to support growing communities across the state,” Mr Roberts said.

“Funding from the first round will deliver more than 25,000 new homes across NSW with more than 15,000 in regional NSW and just over 10,000 in Western Sydney.

“We’ve now opened up this second round to continue help local councils ensure the delivery of homes in the right areas – close to jobs, open space, public transport and essential infrastructure.

Mr Roberts said the Low Cost Loans Initiative was a joint initiative of the Department of Planning and Environment, the Office of Local Government and NSW Treasury Corporation.

“It’s part of the Government’s comprehensive Housing Affordability package released in June last year, designed to improve housing affordability across the state and deliver key infrastructure to support growing communities.

“Councils have a critical role to play in creating liveable communities and this fantastic initiative will help them manage.”

Councils have until 16 May 2019 to submit their applications. 

For more information, visit www.planning.nsw.gov.au/lowcostloans 







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