25 SEPTEMBER 2019 | Daily Top Story: Shergold and Weir report prompts NCC changes to aluminium composite panel labelling

Photo by Lucas Gallone on Unsplash

The amendment would require all ACPs to be labelled in accordance with recently-finalised Australian Technical Specification SA TS 5344.

The specification and NCC amendment are a response to recommendations in the 2018 Shergold and Weir Building Confidence report, and a decision by the Building Ministers’ Forum to look at options for labelling the products to reduce the risk that they are used in non-compliant ways.

The specification requirements are not currently available for free in the public domain. However, a spokesperson for Standards Australia confirmed the document can be purchased through Standards Australia resellers.

A range of other out-of-cycle amendments are also being proposed, including a new classification for building complexity and associated degree of risk for a range of building types and their expected occupant numbers.

The classification system also considers the degree of vulnerability of occupants in terms of safety and egress in event of an emergency.

The classification system aims to identify buildings where an increased level of supervision of design and construction is appropriate. This process will be further clarified through initiatives being developed in response to Shergold and Weir.

In addition, enhanced fire safety measures have been proposed for early childhood centres in high-rise buildings.

Other changes include clarifications around developing and documenting proposals for Performance Solutions, clarifications around waterproofing and condensation protection requirements, and a range of minor corrections.

Public comment about the draft amendment is open until 11 October, 2019.

Source: https://www.thefifthestate.com.au/innovation/building-construction/shergold-report-prompts-ncc-changes-to-aluminium-composite-panel-labelling/?utm_source=The+Fifth+Estate+-+newsletter&utm_campaign=b9e5a05a82-1+november+2018_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_5009254e4c-b9e5a05a82-44091909&ct=t(EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_1_COPY_01)&mc_cid=b9e5a05a82&mc_eid=fca2e5a5c6

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